Welcome to GlobalHandShake - Linking businesses. Creating opportunities

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The Exchange - A GlobalHandShake service

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Business Partner Briefings

Are you looking to expand your business into the Caribbean or into international markets but don't have the time or the personnel to explore the market for the right supplier, distributor or retail partner?

We at GlobalHandShake will assist you in finding qualified partners and developing the relationships that meet your expansion objectives. We will setup meetings or conference calls with key decision-makers in your target companies.

Have you ever participated in a trade mission and met with company executives who were unable to make the final decision to accept your product, or to initiate talks on your partnership proposal?

GlobalHandShake will help you find the decision-maker and meet with them on your next trade mission. The result will be a more productive time spent building the right business relationships, and getting to the decision on your proposal faster.

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Company Profiling

Have you identified the specific criteria that business partners should meet to be considered a match as a partner for your company's objectives.

GlobalHandShake will investigate companies in your target group and provide you with the information necessary to help you make a decision about the best potential partners for you to approach.

Or maybe you simply need information on companies in your industry or market. We will provide a portfolio of companies, their products and decision-makers to inform your decision.

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Competitive Analysis

On entering a new market do you know who you are competing against? Do you know their strengths and their alliances?

GlobalHandShake will investigate the players in your industry or market and provide you with the information you need to negotiate the new market.

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Are you planning a trip to the Caribbean, China, Dominican Republic or the United Kingdom? Do you understand the business culture in which you will be competing?

Let GlobalHandShake guide you through the nuances of the business and local culture you are entering. Even countries with a similar history of development have slightly different cultural norms.

We provide you with the information that lets you make the critical difference when negotiating and building relationships. We help you eliminate the unintentional blunders associated with differences in communications, giving and receiving of gifts, and insensitive signs and sayings.

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